Dr Petcha

Milk Does A Body Good

If you think milk is just for babies or children, then you are totally wrong. As an older adult, milk is just as important for you if not more. Consuming a glass or two of milk everyday can easily add nine essential nutrients including quality protein, calcium, vitamin D, K, sodium and magnesium to your diet, making it more holistic. From improving your bone health to boosting your brain power, these nutrients found in milk can help boost your health in a variety of ways. 

Here are a few of them. 

1) Great source of calcium and vitamin D

Calcium is just important for women, but men too. For those of you who don’t already know, milk is probably one of the best sources of calcium and vitamin D out there. It is recommended that men consume at least 1200 mg of calcium a day but, most men fall short of this, even more so if you are an active man. Milk can help you here. It is easily available and can fulfil all your daily calcium requirements. This can lead to healthier bones, teeth, and prevents complications like osteoporosis. 

Another nutrient that is missing from most men’s diet is vitamin D. Vitamin D works alongside calcium to help build your bone strength and boost your overall health. Adding milk to your diet can also help you get your daily doses of vitamin D. 

2) Great post-workout snack

High-intensity workouts are usually quite traumatic for your body as it loses a lot of energy and fluids in the process. And, what better than milk to replenish your body. Milk has approximately 9 grams of protein per 8 ounce glass. This protein contains all essential amino acids that can help refuel your muscles and begin the process of recovery. 

Along with energy, you also lose a lot of electrolytes like sodium and potassium when you work out. Milk also has a fair share of these electrolytes making it one of the best and most affordable post-workout snacks out there. 

3) Maintains your heart health

People who consume at least 2 servings of milk and dairy everyday might have a lower risk of heart diseases and stroke. Vitamin D, K, calcium and other substances present in milk are usually known to enhance heart health. 

A study published in The Lancet in 2018 found that people who consume dairy regularly had a 22% lower risk for heart disease, a 34% lower risk for stroke, and a 23% lower risk of heart-related death. However, if you are someone who already suffers from high cholesterol or heart complications, then it is better to choose low fat options. 

4) Boosts your brain power

Older adults who consume milk and other dairy products were found to have a higher percentage of glutathione in the brain. This powerful antioxidant is known to reduce oxidative stress which in turn boosts memory power and delays the process of aging. It can also control diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 


Milk is a healthy and a wholesome beverage that is central to a balanced diet. It is definitely one of the cheapest ways of adding essential nutrients into your diet. To reap its full benefits, it is recommended to drink at least 2-3 cups of milk every day. Choosing low fat or skim milk might be more beneficial is you are trying to lose weight or cut down on fat content. 

However, if you are lactose intolerant, then milk can do more harm for you than good. In such cases, you can go for the non-dairy milk alternatives that are fortified with calcium. But, keep in mind that the non-dairy alternatives might have lot less nutritional benefits when compared to dairy. 






